
Snow Day!

Sorry i have not been updating lately, life is super hectic as of right now! My trip is just around the corner, and I'm still shopping for a dress! Although i wont be gone for long i still need to get away from all this snowy weather that we've been having lately!

I hate packing, and I never know what to pack! Call me crazy but i have the biggest phobia of my suitcase getting lost with all my good clothes in there! So i tend to be very careful and specific with the clothes that i choose to pack when going on a trip! Its happened before and i was pissed off for months! (yeah months!)

Anyways i haven't been taking any pics of my outfits lately, due to the weather I've been living in jeans, thigh high boots and blazers, Nothing fancy! But i promise to leave you with a few posts before I leave and come back with summery pics from Vegas to share with you guys!

These pics were taken about a month ago! Just thought i'd share it with you guys! 


American Eagle; Plaid Shirt
Danier; leather Jacket
Micheal Kors;Watch


The last Supper!

Hey Dolls, hope everyone had a productive Tuesday! Mine was very relaxing, didn't do much! Anyways these pics are long overdue, I've been in lazy mode lately and procrastinated quite a bit before posting them! These pictures were taken on the last weekend of my birthday, Sunday the actual day of my b day! I went to my hubby's nieces b day, who shares the same birth date as mine so we were the stars for the day!
 Birthday girls Ty and J

<3 her tutu so cute!
 what was left of the piñata

After the b day party, My sisters took me out for dinner and drinks! I enjoyed my birthday very much and the ones that I spent it with!

 Just felt like flashing.... lol

I've had this sequin jacket in my closet for a while now and never got to wear it out as yet! So what day other than my b day to add a little glitz and glamour to my outfit! I love the fit and


h&m; sequin jacket, skirt
AA; mesh bodysuit
Bcbg; clutch (b day gift)
Nine West; heels
Michael Kors; Watch (d day gift)
Aritzia; lace bra


Live The Life You Love And Love The Life You Live!


Hey guys, so this is the second night of my bday weekend. (Saturday)  My hubby had a surprise dinner for me, and the funniest thing is i was not at all surprised i knew he was up to something but i did appreciate it to the fullest! I wanted to keep my outfit classy, since i was going to dinner so this is what I wore!

 Popping bottles! lol

 Diva! Miss keys....

 why are we all wearing the same maddens? lol that was funny!

 Cutest couple ever T&Q Luv you guys

I had lots of fun! There's nothing better than spending your bday with the ones you love! And when we all get together its mad fun we were like the loudest bunch of people in the restaurant, but all in good fun! I ended the night at a down town night club, and danced till my steve maddens were literally talking to me saying "girl i'm hurting your feet time to go!" or maybe that was the liquor talking lol

My sisters... Muah xoxo

My bff luv her

 hahaha my bday waffle!

I wish i got a pic with all the girls, but they left early.... next time

Didn't get to take a pic with my hubby! :(


Zara; skirt
H&M; lace top
Steve Madden; heels
Winners; necklace
F21; leopard clutch
Micheal Kors; black and gold watch (bday gift)
MAC; ruby woo matte lipstick


So i was kicking myself in the but, for saying best answer wins! Till last night when i just couldn't make a decision! No lie, i wish i had a pair for everyone that entered! :( so to make my decision easier, i had my hubby read all the comments and pick a winner... so you can all throw stones at him if your name is not called lol

The winner is FAB! Congrats girl i hope you strut your stuff and make the hubby proud! please email me at  tysha.james@gmail.com with your billing info and shoe size as soon as possible, due to limited shoe sizes!
Fab said...
Hi Ty, I visit your blog daily and I am following you on Bloglovin. Girl, that shoe just gave me a huge orgasm (for real...). I will look like sex on heels with those babies on my feet! I need them in my life because they would surely make up for the fact that my husband is away for school and I don't get to see him very often (insert frustrate face here). I already see myself wearing nothing but those when he comes back for Spring break... ok let me stop now... LOL. Holla at your girl Tysha!! XOXO,Fab.  
Thanks to all those who participated, and don't be disappointed there'll be plenty more giveaways!  Out of all the giveaways that i have entered i have yet to win anything so the feeling is mutual lol!

Winner of Aquarian Giveaway Contest

Congrats to Nicole bullock, you are the winner! Your birth date which is 02/11/1977 was the closest to  mine which is 02/13/85! Pls email me as soon as possible with your address info, i will also email you pics of your winnings! 
Congrats  once again! and thanks to all who participated!


Birthday swaggin! Part 1

Hey Lovers, it s been a while but i'm back! I had a blast this past weekend partying it up, spending time with friends and fam and just loving and living life!It hasn't hit me as yet that I'm one year older but hey all the better! lol

This pic was taken on Friday night. My besties took me out to a night on the town at one of the best night clubs ever! Sorry i have no pics with me in the club but i didn't want to carry that heavy ass camera in the club! lol can u imagine?  

Thanks for the birthday wishes, and the fun has come to an end! Love you guys!
xoxo Ty

I didn't want to be too overdressed for that event so i decided to wear this fab sequin skirt that i purchased for just $10 bucks from the clearance rack! I originally paired the skirt with a loose fitting blank tank, tucked in but the corset had a more chic vibe to it so i decided to wear the corset! The skirt was a bit big (you can probably see that)but overall i made it work, or at least i tried!


 Winners; skirt,necklace,clutch
La senza; corset 
Christian Louboutin; heels
Micheal Kors; watch
h&m; fur scarf
MAC; ruby woo matte lipstick
Nails; American apparel Palm springs nail laquer