
How to wear Leopard Print

Leopard is back!! I personally never thought it left, but the fashion gods have spoken. From the runway to the streets, leopard has become a wardrobe staple. I've had this blazer for about 4 years  now and it never gets old. Although not your typical leopard print, thats what I loved about it most. I chose to go simple with this look, complete with leather leggings and a statement shoe. However there are so many ways to wear this trend. Not big on prints or don't know to wear them?

Let me help you out...

If you're not big on prints, but you still want to try the trend, I highly recommend that you start small. Baby-steps..

A leopard scarf, headband, accessory or even a shoe can polish any outfit and have you right on trend. 

Don't splurge. NEVER spend on an item that you're unsure of. ALWAYS try cheaper stores like F21, H&M, and Zara for disposable Fashion Trends. 

I highly  recommend playing dress up in the fitting room of your favourite stores. Try on everything that you've ever doubted or was unsure of... then SNAP take a pic. Now that you've got a bunch of pics to scroll through in your camera roll, you'll be surprised at how good you looked in that leopard skirt or top. 

LASTLY, do organize your camera roll with your recent fitting room pics, creating an album on your phone. That way you will know exactly where to find that leopard print shoe (that you purchased of course) you've been dying to show your friends.

If you're big on prints, then you definitely don't need help in this department, but thanks for reading. 

Zara: Blazer (old) & Purse 
Jimmy Choo: Heels

xoxo Ty